Nestle Bear Brand - Dragon
An enormous amount of detail went into this crazy fast paced re-introduction of the Nestle Bear Brand Dragon. The world is thrown into darkness and destruction as the vile Machine sweeps across the landscape spewing filth and decay. The milky white purity of the Bear Brand Dragon returns to save the day and restore the land to the rich vibrance of before.
In order to create the richness and lushness of the world we needed to develop procedural ways of populating the environment with huge amounts of detail. And once the Machine arrives to destroy is all we needed it all to die and decay. We needed the Machine to be the definition of pollution and impurity, so we embraced the thick black smoke. And the Dragon is made of milk. So basically, lots of Houdini. Also lots of environment and character design and development. And lighting and animation and comp. But mostly, as always, it was a great team that made it happen!!